he is socrates soto bedrejo :) he was a blessing by GOD* he`s my constant refuge in all paths i would take and i am taking now. he`s my inpiration. my friend. he is my neighbor after all. when we were young we never got a chance to know each other that well and knowing him was never in my plan. and then we became friends actually in some ways like texting. i know from the very start he is inlove with someone and i don`t really care because falling in love with him? was never in my plan. he became my best friend and soon became his girlfriend. this time was his second time to be mine ♥ i am still hoping for a happy and fruitful relationship with him until now *UPDATE*
-- JULY 19, 2010 :))
is the day i was not expecting to come yet it does. i still love him :) ♥ that`s why i gave him another chance. i know we both love each other. and when i love i love with all my heart. that`s what i do* i promise ill be right here and will be staying with you. i am contented and happy that you came into my life. i love you i love you i love you ♥♥
* i am proud he`s doing it ♥ *
-- his family welcomes me a lot. and i am really proud of him :)
This day I will marry my friend, the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love