Monday, August 9, 2010

im glad he`s fine. im fine and we`re all fine ;)

this day was a total disaster. imagine? i woke up already 6: 45 am and my class is 7 am. gosh! it was like a thunder hit me :( arf. expected, i was late again. and i reached the school around 8 something :'( they were having their discussions. well just thank to GOD i was saved. our prof. forgot to bring her class record and wooo! no attendance.
when i got to school, i was thankful my prengs are there. who comforted me and super duper real did appreciated it. im totally in a disgrace and my mood run out and then they made me happy again :)) its a BIG LOL! im happy because of SARMIE VALENZONA. LOUISA ANGELICA BONADOR AND EUGENE GASPAN. all negative went out and happiness coveted my whole being. so glad i still have them. ♥♥

now : im here @ the caf`e near our school with my preng SARMIE VALENZONA just for fun. though we can`t do chatting @ home and everything due to busy scheds, well we still have time for this even for school. yess!

THANKS TO GOD :) though i am at my weakest, still, He made it to the point that they are always there to lean on. i love you prengs! ♥♥